Turn Sequence Rulings
Site Phase – On-Guard Cards
@ Change this:
«A revealed on-guard card retroactively takes effect as though it were both declared and resolved immediately prior to the chain of effects during which it was revealed.»
to this:
«When an on-guard card is revealed in response to a resource being played, it initiates a separate chain of effects that is treated as if it had been declared immediately prior to the chain of effects during which it was revealed. Once players finish responding to this on-guard-initiated chain of effects and the on-guard chain resolves (as well as any passive-condition-initiated chains of effects that would normally follow), the original chain of effects then resumes.»
Rulings by Term
@ An action is a one-time activity that changes the board state in some way when it is performed (e.g. drawing a card or otherwise physically altering a deck’s configuration; making a check or otherwise rolling dice; moving a company; applying a modification to an entity’s attribute; a card having its position or orientation changed, or otherwise being played, discarded, tapped, healed, wounded, attached, organized, placed, removed from play, replaced, returned, revealed, shuffled, stored, used, etc.).
@ Change this:
«Only Elven agents can move to a site that is a Wizardhaven.»
to this:
«Only Elven agents can move to a site that is a Wizardhaven, but any agent can be revealed at his homesite even if it is a Wizardhaven.»
@ An action is a characteristic of an entity (e.g. prowess, body, race, skills, direct influence, mind, corruption points, marshalling points, stage points or special abilities).
Beginning of Phase/Turn
@ Change this:
«ABP: Actions that may be taken at (or are triggered by) the beginning of a given phase or turn only.
This period begins at the start of a phase/turn and ends when all players announce that they will not declare any ABP starting a chain of effects and when all triggered ABP are resolved.
The only actions that may be declared in response to ABP are other ABP and actions that target a dice-rolling action and actions that target declared events.
Triggered ABP are declared before ABP that may be taken by players.»
to this:
«Any passive condition effects that would be initiated at the beginning of a phase/turn must be immediately declared in a single chain of effects (in an order chosen by the resource player) before any other actions may be taken during that phase. Players may then respond to this chain of effects with their own “at the beginning of [this phase/turn]” actions; once both players confirm that they have no other “at the beginning of [this phase/turn]” actions to declare, they may then respond with normal actions as allowed for the phase.»
@ Rules Erratum: Dark Minions, Taking Prisoners, change this:
«5. If the hazard host is played on a character moving to a new site that is an adjacent site of an Under-deeps site, the rescue site can be that Under-deeps site.»
to this:
«5. If the hazard host is played on a character at or moving to a site that is an adjacent site of an Under-deeps site, the rescue site can be that Under-deeps site.»
@ Remove this:
«You cannot take prisoners from a company stationary at an Under-deeps site (using that same Under-deeps site as the Rescue Site)»
Card Errata and Rulings
Align Palantir
@ Change this:
«Align Palantír can be stored.»
to this:
«If the Palantir is stored, this card is stored too.»
Alone and Unadvised
@ A character with Alone and Unadvised whose company is moving with starter movement has to make as many corruption checks as the number of regions present in the company’s site path.
Beorning Skin-Changers
@ As a short event, it cannot be played on a company containing Beorn or an untapped warrior with prowess greater than 4.
@ It can be targetted (and canceled) by hazards like Many Sorrows Befall or Blind to the West, which target declared events.
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Unique. Manifestation of “Bert”. May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Tuma and/or Wuluag is played, without counting against the one character per turn limit . Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Burat to untap Tuma and/or Wuluag if at the same site. If Tuma and/or Wuluag is in his company, Burat’s mind is reduced by one.»
Dragon’s Breath
@ Can be played on an auto-attack.
Elven Rope
@ The stored creature doesn’t give kill MP to the controller of Elven Rope.
Great Ship
@ Cannot be used during the site phase.
Healing Herbs
@ A character can tap and discard it to heal himself.
Hoarmûrath of Dír
@ As a short-event, it can be used to give +1 strike to an auto-attack.
Messenger of Mordor
@ Storing items and events with this card has to be done as the next action after Messenger of Mordor has resolved, i.e. if the spirit-magic-using character is bearing an item that gives corruption points, it will count for the corruption check caused by Messenger of Mordor.
@ Characters storing items with Messenger of Mordor have to make corruption checks.
The One Ring
@ Change this:
(Hero version) Card Erratum: Change «…to cancel a strike» to «…to cancel a strike against himself».
to this:
(Both Hero and Minion versions) Card Erratum: Change «…to cancel a strike» to «…to cancel a strike against himself»
Pallando the Soul-Keeper
@ If a minion character would be discarded during CvCC due to a body check and Pallando the Soul-Keeper is in play, the character is instead eliminated and the player rolling the body check receives kill points.
Sack Over the Head
@ Its effect is not considered to be taking prisoners.
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Unique. Manifestation of “Tom”. May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Bûrat and/or Wuluag is played, without counting against the one character per turn limit. Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Tûma to untap Bûrat and/or Wuluag if at the same site. If Bûrat and/or Wuluag is in his company, Tûma’s mind is reduced by one.»
Use your legs
@ Change this:
«The characters placed off to the side are not considered prisoners for MP purposes.»
To this:
«Its effect is not considered to be taking prisoners.»
Wizard’s Laughter
@ Characters cannot tap in support and no resources can be played to modify the corruption check from Wizard’s Laughter.
@ Card Erratum: Change text to:
«Unique. Manifestation of “William”. May not be included with a starting company. May be played on the same turn Bûrat and/or Tûma is played, without counting against the one character per turn limit . Discard on a body check result of 8. +1 prowess against Dwarves. Tap Wûluag to untap Bûrat and/or Tûma if at the same site. If Bûrat and/or Tûma is in his company, Wûluag’s mind is reduced by one.»