The Council of Elrond (CoE) is the global coordinating body for MECCG, responsible for regulating the game’s rules. It was founded in 2000 by players after Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) discontinued the game. CoE members are elected through voting every two years.
This game is quite complex when it comes to rules. Learning to play is not too difficult, but mastering the rules and understanding the final texts of the cards is a real challenge. Additionally, the rules have changed over time, which can cause confusion: you may find printed rules that are no longer valid, later clarifications that change how a rule is applied, or cards that have been errataed and now work differently from their original version.
As a result, many new players struggle to find the “source of truth.”
Fortunately, the CoE has worked hard to unify all of this. Today, there is a single document containing all official rules and an updated database with corrected card texts, applied to the remastered editions available on this website.
Ruling Digests
There is a comprehensive document that compiles questions asked by players to the official authorities of each era. These questions are usually related to doubts about the rules, specific cards, or confusing situations that arise during gameplay.
Although this document does not constitute a definitive set of rules—since the answers are based on the rules in effect at the time and may contain errors or misinterpretations—it is considered official and is widely accepted by the community. Its main purpose is to establish a common standard that facilitates gameplay, providing a consistent reference for resolving doubts and ensuring a uniform experience among players.
Original rules by expansion
- The Wizards
- The Dragons
- Dark Minions
- The Lidless Eye
- Against the Shadow
- The White Hand
- The Balrog
- MeCCG Rules Summary
Errata and clarification (CRF)
In addition to the rules for each expansion, the Collected Rulings File (CRF) includes clarifications and official errata that expand or replace the original printed rules from their respective sets.
You can check the different versions of the CRF in the Archive
Tournament Policy
In 2025, the CoE published an updated Tournament Policies document, serving as a revision of the previous version (Version 3 from the Council of Lórien).
NetRep History
Scott Frazer (Dec. 1995 – Nov. 1996)
Craig “Ichabod” O’Brien (Nov. 1996 – Sep. 1998)
Van Norton (Sep. 1998 – Sep. 1999)
Brian Wong (2001- Mar. 2002)
Chad Martin (Mar. 2002 – May. 2006)
Mark Alfano (Oct. 2006 – Apr. 2009)
Mikko Vihtemäki (Apr. 2009 – May. 2013)
Nobody (May. 2013 – Nov. 2022)
Rules Comittee (Jan. 2023 – Present)
composed by: Manuel Cabezalí, Kodi, Ethan Eliam , Marcos Cáceres