Official Source: Van Norton on Maillist
Scroll down to post number 16602
Turn Sequence Ruling-Movement/Hazard Phase-Movement-Returning to Site of Origin
ERRATA: If a company returns to its site of origin, it may do nothing during it’s site phase. A company failing it underdeeps movement roll is not effected by this rule.
Turn Sequence Ruling-Site Phase-Company Vs. Company Combat
ERRATA: Hazard effects in play that affect attacks have no effect on company vs. company combat. (This replaces the CRF entry, “Hazards have no effect on company vs. company combat.)
Turn Sequence Ruling-Site Phase-Influence Attempts
Change “It is not possible to influence an item away from a Wizard or Ringwraith.” to “It is not possible to influence anything away from a Wizard or Ringwraith.”
Turn Sequence Ruling-Site Phase-On-Guard Cards
Add: If the site an on-guard card is played upon leaves play before the site phase, the on-guard cards at that site return to their owner’s hand.
Rulings by Term – Balrog
ERRATA: Balrog players receive no Marshaling Points for hero items played at their darkhavens.
Rulings by Term – Underdeeps
With the addition of the sites in Balrog, Windthrone is now always the surface site of an underdeeps.
Card Rulings – A Strident Spawn
Add, ERRATA: Unique.
Card Ruling – Long Grievous Siege
There must be an eligible borderhold for this card to be played.
Card Ruling – River
You must tap one ranger for each river played on the site.
Card Ruling – Fortress of Isen: Remove “A company moving to or from Isengard is not considered to be moving through Gap of Isen (including one less Border-land in their site path).”
Card Ruling – Fortress of the Towers: Remove: “A company moving to or from The Wither Towers is not considered to be moving through ARthedain (including one less Wilderness in their site path).”
Card Ruling – Guarded Haven: Remove “A company moving to or from this site is not considered to be moving through the region containing the site (including one less of its region type in their site path).”
Card Ruling – Palantir of Elostirion: This item does not give MPs to a Fallen-wizard, regardless of other cards in play.
Card Ruling – Palantir of Orthanc: This item does not give MPs to a Fallen-wizard, regardless of other cards in play.
Card Ruling – Rhosgobel: Remove “Any of your companies moving to or from Rhosgobel is not considered to be moving through Southern Mirkwood (including one less Dark-domain in their site path).”