Not the best deck, but it’s a possible type.
Bolg / Foul-Smelling Paste
Orders from the Great Demon
In Deck:
3 The Balrog
2 I’ll Report You
3 Swift Strokes
3 Bold Thrust
2 Angband Revisited
1 Ancient Secrets
2 Flame of Udun
2 Out He Sprang
2 Voices of Malice
3 Dark Tryst
3 People Diminished
3 Smoke on the Water
1 High Helm
1 Sable Shield
1 Stinker
1 Orcs of Moria
Key Sideboard Cards:
2 Forced March
3 Terror Heralds Doom
1 Tempest of Fire
1 Palantir of Minas Tirith
1 Sudden Call
1 Blackbole
1 Orcs of Gundabad
Play Tips:
Burn everything. Twice if possible. Beorn’s House, Eagle’s E, Wellinghall, Edoras. Everything must burn.
MP Breakdown:
Character: 7
Item: 4-7
Ally: 2-4
Faction: 3-6
Misc: 15
Total: 31-39