This deck plays against other minions and aims to influence away their main resources and characters.
Orders from Lugburz
In Deck:
3 The Balrog
3 Strangling Coils
3 Dark Tryst
3 Voices of Malice
3 A More Evil Hour
3 Out He Sprang
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
3 Crept Along Cleverly
3 Great Fissure
3 Angband Revisited
1 Orcs of Moria
1 Stinker
1 Ancient Black Axe
Influence Destruction
Key Sideboard Cards:
All the big factions
3 Heart of Dark Fire
3 Roam the Waste
3 Mine or No One’s
Thong of Fire
The One Ring
3 Hill-Troll
Play tips:
The Balrog travels with Bolg and some back-ups to your opponent’s site, where he uses his 9 DI + 5 from Heart of Dark Fire +10 from Mine or No One’s to steal whatever he sees fit. A More Evil Hour makes this more than possible.