This deck is an approach of Heiner’s original deck writen by Kodi.



Threlin *
Gulla *
Faramir *
Beretar *
Ioreth *

Friend of Secret Things
Master of Shapes




3 Radagast@



Sapling of the White Tree
Sapling of the White Tree
A Short Rest
A Short Rest
Risky Blow
Risky Blow
Bold Thrust
Bold Thrust
Crept Along Cleverly
Crept Along Cleverly
Tom Bombadil
Radagast’s Black Bird
Longbottom Leaf
Longbottom Leaf
Smoke Rings
Smoke Rings
A Panoply of Wings
A Panoply of Wings
Voices of Malice
Voices of Malice
Marvels Told
We Have Come to Kill
Dark Tryst
Dark Tryst
Ready to His Will
Ready to His Will



And Forth He Hastened
And Forth He Hastened
The White Tree
Great Patron
Wizard’s Trove
Safe from the Shadow
Marvels Told
Beasts of the Wood
Beasts of the Wood
The Great Eagles
Woses of the Druadan Forest
Woses of Old Pukel-Land
Regiment of black crows
Keys of the White Towers
Promptings of Wisdom
Gates of Morning
Gates of Morning
Skies of Fire
Tempering Friendship



After playing the Bird, take it in the organization phase back to hand to stay below 4 stage points and bring it during site phase to influence the animal factions (“Foolish Words” does not affect him).

Great patron and wizards trove is played last turn to stay below 4 stage points all game.

When Radi comes into play in Rhosgobel, bring two “And Forth He Hastened” from sideboard to play more than one ent in a same turn.

The rest of the companies are mainly for playing the sapling and storing it, planting the White trees, getting Tom, drawing cards and getting kill points, cvcc against Minions is as well an option.

This deck works best against Minions because it heavily needs Radi, but I played it against all alignments.

Hand size is another challenge of the deck so is better don’t use hazards that need combos.

So if Radagast pops not up in first turn might be good to play a characters in Rhosgobel there to wait for him. It’s a good nazgul protection for the first risky move. He can even play the bird to not clock it in you hand if you have it. Hand size is a problem as i said, because you need to keep your MP.

You can attack minion companies with the ents. If you play Regiment of black crows (from sb) your company is overt and then can attack hero and fw companies, nice surprise if they are at a Ruins and lairs and you go there 😂

Depends of what you draw on first turn you can discard cram and go with a character to Wellinghall