Take a gander at the latest spawn of my evil mind. a hero deck to be played vs minions:
3 Morannon,
3 Lucky Search,
3 Longbottom Leaf,
3 Smoke Rings,
3 Halfling Strength,
3 Concealment,
3 Stealth,
1 Hiding,
2 Withdrawn to Mordor,
2 Marvels Told,
2 Eyes of Mandos,
1 Enruned Shield,
1 Elves of Lindon.
OK, so here’s the idea:
Starting company is ‘Gorn, Fatty, and Frodo with 2 crams. They toss one on the first turn and move to the Dead Marshes, entering there and playing a Lucky Search with ‘Gorn (he’s a warrior to use the Enruned Shield) if they happen to draw it. Otherwise, they use Morannon the next turn and go to Udun, a where there’s no automatic attack, no agents, no CVCC, no Malady possible. Once there, they just using their scouty cards to cancel stuff and lucky searching up more and more items which you bring over from the sideboard (the usual complement of 4 MP/2 CP items should do the trick). Corruption is a bit of a worry, since ‘gorn will end up with 2 greater items on him after he lucky searches, so be sure to use the Marvels Told on any corruption cards that get played on him. He can transfer off the items with a Pledge of Conduct to Frodo (from the sideboard; Old Friendship works well too), and the hobbits should have no difficulty with corruption, especially with their halfling strengths around. Meanwhile, Pallando comes in at Grey Havens to do his usual sitting-around-being-helpful routine. But instead of the expected Cirdan, go with either Galadriel or Thorin under his DI. The reason is that then you can stealth out to the Old Forest without fear and pick up Tom Bombadil (who comes in from the sideboard). After grabbing Tom, your movement will be restricted, so just head over to Rivendell and tell Elrond some stories. Withdrawn to Mordor is just generally helpful against Lobelia and on guard corruption cards at Morannon or Foolish Words/Lure of Power at the Grey Havens.
Key stuff in the sideboard includes:
2 Pledge of Conduct,
2 Old Friendship,
1 Lordly Presence (for the Elves of Lindon, in case you have to use Thorin to bring them in),
4 Greater Items (Wormsbane, Orcrist, Mithril Coat, Emerald of the Mariner should work),
1 Sapling,
1 White Tree,
1 RotK,
2 To Fealty Sworn,
1 Men of Anorien,
1 Tombo,
1 Marvels Told (since you have no sages to start out with, the third MT goes in the SB),
1 And Forth He Hastened (useful combined with Eyes of Mandos, and in case you have to tap for a river or because of Adunaphel when going to pick up Tombo).
The point breakdown is:
Character: ‘Gorn, Frodo, Fatty, Thrain/Galadriel = 9,
Item: Enruned Shield and probably 3 others = 14-15,
Ally: Tombo = 3,
Faction: Elves = 2.