Start with Beorn, Dain, Hama and Peath. Use Cram or Master of Esgaroth to reach Dead Marshes for first turn items or Buhr Widu for Steeds. Alatar starts from Edhellond and can wait for a helper or go alone to Sacrifice of Form and try again later as a White Wizard. He should pick up a frien with Chance Meeting if you are in a hurry, or maybe join the main company with his teleport ability if you are afraid to send him out alone.

If you really feel invincible, you may try a late game Ancient Stair + Under-galleries + Aiglos + Dragon-helm, although this can only be considered as pure madness (your draw 1, opponent draws 8 ).

Esgaroths and Butterflies handle Rivers and girls frighten away any Nazguls. Forewarneds are good against Assassins, multiple autoattacks at Cirith Gorgor and the eventual Mordor in Arms (send a lone beef to take it down).

Very vulnerable to corruption and nasty permanent events, since there are no Marvels Told. You may want to travel in a company of four if you see Alone and Unadviceds.

# GCCG v0.9.6 Middle-earth deck
# {F}{F} A Mission in the East


# Hazard (30)

1 Ambusher (TW)
1 Arthadan Rangers (LE)
2 Cave Worm (TD)
2 Cave-drake (TW)
1 Corpse-candle (LE)
1 Daelomin at Home (TD)
3 Echoes of the Song (WH)
3 Lure of Expedience (TW)
3 Lure of Nature (TW)
1 Lure of Power (TW)
3 Lure of the Senses (TW)
1 Mouth of Sauron (TW)
1 My Precious (DM)
1 Rain-drake (TD)
1 Ren the Unclean (TW)
1 Revealed to all Watchers (DM)
1 Sellswords Between Charters (LE)
1 The Balance of Things (TW)
1 Thief (TW)
1 Traitor (TW)

# Hero Character (3)

3 Alatar [H] (TW)

# Hero Resource (30)

3 A Friend or Three (TW)
1 Durin’s Axe (TW)
1 Easterlings [H] (TW)
3 Forewarned Is Forearmed (DM)
1 Glamdring (TW)
1 Helm of Her Secrecy (TD)
3 Hundreds of Butterflies (DM)
2 Longbottom Leaf (BA)
3 Master of Esgaroth (TD)
2 New Friendship (TW)
3 Noble Steed (WH)
1 Orcrist (TW)
3 Risky Blow (TW)
1 Sacrifice of Form (TW)
1 Smoke Rings (DM)
1 Wormsbane (TD)


# Hero Character (10)

1 Beorn (TW)
1 Dáin II (TW)
1 Gamling the Old (TW)
1 Háma (TW)
1 Peath (TW)
1 Thráin II (TD)
1 Théoden (TW)
1 Vygavril (TW)
1 Éomer (TW)
1 Éowyn (TW)

# Hero Resource (2)

1 Black Arrow (PR)
1 Cram (TD)


# Hazard (11)

1 Alone and Unadvised (AS)
1 Call of Home (TW)
1 Greed (TW)
1 Itangast Ahunt (TD)
1 Lost at Sea (TW)
1 Lost in Free-domains (LE)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Rolled down to the Sea (WH)
1 Seized by Terror (DM)
1 The Roving Eye (LE)
1 The Way is Shut (DM)

# Hero Character (1)

1 Radagast [H] (TW)

# Hero Resource (18)

1 A Chance Meeting (TW)
1 Aiglos (DM)
1 Ancient Stair (DM)
1 And Forth He Hastened (TD)
1 Dragon-helm (DM)
1 Glamour of Surpassing Excellance (AS)
1 Mount Slain (AS)
1 Nûrniags [H] (AS)
1 Power Against the Shadow (AS)
1 Promptings of Wisdom (WH)
1 Southrons [H] (TW)
1 The Hunt (DM)
1 The White Wizard (WH)
1 Variags of Khand [H] (TW)
1 Withdrawn to Mordor (DM)
1 Wizard Uncloaked (TD)
1 Wizard’s Laughter (TW)
1 Wizard’s River-horses (TW)