This is a deck that sticks to the safe underdeeps site initially, then makes a grab for both The Balrog and Ancient Black Axe at Under-Gates on turn 4.  I’ve had some success with it, though it is far from my best deck.


Lieutenant of Morgul / Strange Rations
Radbug / Strange Rations

In Deck:

3 Dwar the Ringwraith
1 Lieutenant of Dol Guldur
1 Nain


3 Liquid Fire
3 Blasting Fire
1 Aiglos
1 Dragon-Helm

2 Cave-Troll

1 Morgul Orcs

3 Orc Quarrels
3 Crack in the Wall
3 The Under-Roads

2 Voices
3 Dark Tryst
1 Bade to Rule
1 While the Yellow Face Sleeps
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety


Just be sure to include Balrog of Moria

Key Sideboard Cards:

The Balrog (ally)
Ancient Black Axe
Orcs of Moria
Snaga Hai
I’ll be at your Heels
Long Grievous Siege

Play Tips:

Start at Minas Morgul.  First turn: Barad Dur.  Play some tech.  You opponent will expect a Mordor deck.  Turn 2: heal up (sweeeeeet!), and move down.  Play more tech, hero items, trolls, etc.  Turn three: over to the Sulfer Deeps: more tech, hero items, trolls.  Turn 4: Under-Gates.  Balrog/Axe.  If possible, have the Hazard balrog out so he can’t be played on you as an attack (though of course you can just Liquid fire him…), then VoM him after you get through the easy auto-attack.  Now play the ally and axe for a big 8 MP.  Turn 5: up to Moria for Stinker or Orcs.  Note that the Crack in the Wall will keep your opponent from playing any creatures on you at all.  Go go Doeth!

MP Breakdown:

Character: 10
Item: 15
Ally: 6
Faction: 4
Misc: 0-1
Total: 35-6