This is certainly not the most effective type of One Ring deck, but it gets by far the most style points.
Robbin Smallburrow
Aragorn II
Fatty Bolger + Cram
Sam Gamgee + Cram
Characters in Deck:
3 Pallando
3 Gates of Morning
3 Many Turns and Doublings
2 The Cock Crows
3 Concealment
3 Stealth
3 Halfling Strength
2 Quiet Lands
2 Eyes of Mandos
1 Scroll of Isildur
3 Precious Gold Ring
3 Longbottom Leaf
2 Smoke Rings
Key Sideboard Cards:
3 Wizard’s Test
1 Eagle-Mounts
1 The One Ring
1 Lucky Search
1 Cracks of Doom
1 Eagle-Mounts
Play Tips:
Robbin makes his way to Mount Doom via Lorien and the Easterling Camp. He should be there by turn 4 or 5, even if he gets skin-changered a couple times.
In the meantime, Aragorn and his friends pick up a couple rings and the scroll. Pallando helps to fish these up with Eyes of Mandos, and makes his way to lorien. Once the items are fetched, the characters make their way to Eagles’ Eyrie, where the rings are tested. Then they make their jump directly to Mt Doom by hitting it with Quiet Lands to turn it into a and flying with Eagle-Mounts in relative safety (no Mordor in Arms, no Seized by Terror, etc.).