Second plug for my ‘hole-y’ taxonomy list.

This deck uses The Balrog in Flame of Udun mode to crunch your opponent’s companies.  The idea is to use the troll company to gain enough MPs to use proper region movement with Big Red.


2 Mountain Maggot



2 Voices of Malice
3 Dark Tryst
3 Forced March
2 Threats
3 Flame of Udun
3 Out He Sprang
2 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
3 A More Evil Hour

1 Stinker
1 Nasty Slimy Thing

1 Ancient Black Axe
2 Iron Shield of Old
1 Whip of Many Thongs
1 Stabbing Tongue of Fire

1 Orcs of Moria
1 Orcs of Gundabad

Key Sideboard Cards:

1 Voices of Malice
2 Angband Revisited
1 Tempest of Fire
1 People Diminished
2 Crowned with Storm
1 Eddy in Fate’s Tide
3 Scourge of Fire
1 Terror Heralds Doom
1-2 Leg it Double Quick
1-2 Bold Thrust
1 The Arkenstone (vs. Dwarves)
1 Scroll of Isildur (vs. Dunk Decks)
Lotsa characters

Play Tips:

This deck is a heck of a lot of fun to play.  Get the Hog moving as soon as possible.  He starts at the Under-Gates, bounces off of Moria with Forced March and goes straight for an opponent’s company.  A More Evil Hour helps to get there, and it is helpful in exhausting quickly because it plays out so fast.  Use Crowned with Storm and Scourge of Fire to maximize damage.  If your opponent gets a big faction out, you can send it back to his hand with Tempest or People Diminished.

Elf-Lords suck.  Though, if they’re not Chilled and you have both weapons, you can take them down (13 vs. 19 with a +2 to the bc).  Maia can be laughed off, as can most other creatures.  Consider switching out one or two Threats for Bold Thrusts.  I’m not sure what the best arangement is yet.  Karmi might be able to help: I ripped this deck from one he played against my KUtM deck once on GCCG.

The deck requires some jiggering if you want to make it work with the 2-mind house rule.

MP Breakdown:

Character: 10
Ally: 3
Item: 10
Faction: 6
Misc: 0-5
Kill: ??
Total: 34 + ??