It’s a nearly-impossible mission, and kind of a waste to go to Mount Doom just to get MPs, but somebody has to provide a deck list… it might as well be me.

Starting Cards:

Beorn / Elfstone

Rumors of Rings

Characters in Deck:

3 Alatar
Gildor Inglorian


3 Fair Gold Ring
3 Beautiful Gold Ring

3 Noble Steed

1 Easterlings
1 Southrons

3 Into the Smoking Cone

1 Safe Against the Shadow
2 Marvels Told
2 A Friend or Three
2 A Chance Meeting
2 Smoke Rings
2 Test of Lore
3 Risky Blow
2 Dark Quarrels

Hazard Recommendations:

Have some twilight for protection, play some nazgul to keep them being played on you.  Otherwise, go crazy.

Key Sideboard Cards:

1 Memories Recalled
3 Lesser Ring
3 Magic Ring of [rangerskill]
1 Magic Ring of [warriorskill]
1 Magic Ring of [diplomatskill]
1 Master of Esgaroth

Play Tips:

You want to follow something like this route:

Turn 1: Gold Ring/Smoking Cone (Bandit Lair works nicely)
Turn 2: Faction/steeds (Southrons or Easterlings)
Turn 3: Mt Doom/invert Smoking Cone
Turn 4: Esgaroth or steed back to haven or go get another faction or item (call if possible)
Turn 5 (if necessary): store Smoking Cone if still not stored, go crazy.

MP Breakdown:

Character: ~10
Item: ~5
Faction: 4-9
Ally: ~2
Misc: 6
Total: ~27-32